Here’s the million-dollar question: how often should you water your indoor plants? There’s no definitive answer here because so many variables come into play. I’m going to answer questions and give you things to think about which will help you when it comes to watering indoor plants.
First off, I’ll fill you in on my education and experience so you know I’m a legit houseplant aficionado. I studied landscape architecture but ended up graduating with a degree in landscape and environmental horticulture. You can read all the details in this post about My Love Affair With Houseplants.
I was an interior landscaper (an interior plant specialist) for years, both maintaining and designing for commercial accounts. Suffice it to say I learned more on the job than in school. I’ve enjoyed plants in my own homes for many years now, so I’m happy to share what I’ve learned along the way.

Table of Contents
How to Water Indoor Plants
So many variables and factors are involved that I can’t give you a set answer as to how often you should water your houseplants. For instance, I watered my houseplants in San Francisco and Santa Barbara differently than I do in Tucson where I now live.
Different plants have different needs. In my indoor plant care posts, I always give you an idea of how I water my houseplants so you can use that as a guideline. You can find them by searching for a specific plant on our site or browsing through our Houseplants Care section.
2 Most Common Reasons Houseplants Don’t Thrive
1.) Over watering or under watering. Too much water = no oxygen to the roots, leading to root rot. Not enough water and the roots dry out. Most beginning houseplant gardeners tend to water their plants too much, ie too often.
2.) Right plant wrong place. Specific plants have specific requirements. A Ficus benjamina won’t survive in low light and high light exposure next to a window could cause a Golden Pothos to sunburn.

What to Consider Before Watering Houseplants
Here are variables that come into play when determining a watering schedule. You should think about these things before and while watering your plants. Be sure to check the FAQs section towards the end for more info.
The Type of Plant
Different plants have different watering needs. This goes hand in hand with the point below. Tropical plants need watering more often than succulents.
Succulent needs are different from indoor plants. Here you can find helpful tips on watering them: A Guide To Watering Succulents Indoors

Different Plants Have Different Water Needs
I don’t water all of my many houseplants at 1 time. It would be much easier if I did, but some dry out faster than others, and some need watering more often than others. For instance, Peace Lilies will need watering more often than Snake Plants.

How You Water
Water the soil mass all around, not just in one spot. The roots run all around the base of the plant. I always top water my plants rather than bottom water them. And, don’t water too shallow ie, a splash every few days.
Check the Soil Before Watering
Water by how the soil feels. Most roots go deep and aren’t sitting close to the surface. Just because the top of the soil looks dry, it doesn’t mean the roots further on down are. If you’re unsure or just don’t want to stick your finger in the soil, this is the moisture meter I use when watering my large floor plants.
Exposure / Light The Plant Is In
This is simple. More light = more watering frequency. Less light = less watering frequency.
Pot Size / Type of Pot
The smaller the grow pot or pot, the more often your small plants will need watering. The larger the pot, the less often. Plants in larger pots don’t need watering as often as those in small pots.
And, plants in large pots aren’t any harder to water and in some cases can be easier because they don’t need it as often.
Terra cotta and clay pots, as well as unglazed pots, are porous, which means air can get into the root ball. Plants in these types may need watering a bit more often than those in plastic grow pots or directly planted in ceramics or resin pots.
It’s best if the pots have drainage holes so the excess water can flow out the bottom.

The Size Of The Root Ball
If the root ball is tight in the pot, it’ll most likely need watering more often. Some plants grow best when slightly tight in their pots. However, if they’re too potbound, the roots won’t be able to hold water.
The Soil Mix It’s Planted In
The heavier the soil mix, the less often you’ll water. I have a Dracanea marginata planted in potting soil sitting close to a Dracaena Lisa planted in lava rock (some larger houseplants will come planted in lava rock). I water the Lisa more often than I do the marginata. The lava rock doesn’t hold the water as potting soil does.
If the soil is top-dressed with moss, rock, or bark, then it’ll dry out slower.

The warmer the temperature of your home, the faster your plants will dry out. I live in Tucson, Arizona where the temps are warm and the sun shines a lot. If you live in a cooler climate (most people do!) then you would water your indoor plants less often.
The higher the humidity, the slower the mix will dry out (especially potting soil). I’m not only in a sunny and warm climate but the humidity is low so I water my plants more often.
Small brown leaf tips are due to dry air. Some of my plants have them, but many don’t.
The Water Quality
This doesn’t have to do with frequency, but tap water may be high in salts and minerals. These can cause the roots to burn, which will show up as brown tips and/or brown spots on the leaves. I have a tankless R/O water filtration system that runs through my kitchen faucet, and that’s the source I use to water my houseplants. It has a re-mineralization cartridge that puts the good minerals back in.

I’ll save this important point for last:
Time of Year
This is really important to know when it comes to watering indoor plants. Plants rest a bit in the cooler, darker months so you’ll water them less often. For instance, I water my 6″ Pink Aglaonema every 7-9 days in the summer whereas, in winter, it’s every 14 or so days.
Did you know that you need to change your watering habits in the winter? Here’s a helpful guide for watering in the colder months: Winter Houseplant Care Guide
What I Use For Watering Indoor Plants
I’ll keep this short and sweet. I use a small watering can for my smaller plants (similar can here) and a larger watering can I bought on Amazon 5 years ago for my floor plants. I love this squeeze bottle for small plants in very small pots and the spray bottle for my Air Plants and other bromeliads. My friend has quite a few hanging plants and uses this device with a very long neck for watering her many hanging plants sans ladder.
Shopping for a new watering can? Check out our round-up of Small Watering Cans in various shapes and materials.

Some Of Our General Houseplant Guides For Your Reference: Guide To Watering Indoor Plants, Beginner’s Guide To Repotting Plants, How to Clean Houseplants, Winter Houseplant Care Guide, Plant Humidity: How I Increase Humidity For Houseplants, Buying Houseplants: 14 Tips For Indoor Gardening Newbies
Watering Indoor Plants: Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t be a “hit and run” waterer. Splashing a plant every 2 or 3 days is not how it likes to be watered. Most people overwater their indoor plants and kill them with kindness. I’ve always believed that it’s better to err on the side of less water than more water.