First off, Happy Holidays! What a wild year 2020 has been. In the midst of this pandemic madness, I bought a new house. At the end of each year, I take you on a garden tour to show you what’s been happening plant wise. Welcome to the tour of my old and new gardens.
May through October was especially hot and dry here in Tucson. It was the hottest and driest summer on record since 1924. By the time the end of September rolled around, we all over it. The scorching non-stop sunshine and blistering heat really wreaked havoc on the plants. Even the cacti are looking shriveled and dry!
Cmon, take a tour with me:
My Old Garden
Those of you who have bought and sold houses know how much paperwork is involved in the processes. I didn’t have the opportunity to do any mid-fall, end of season pruning so my old garden is a little shaggy. By the way, I bought the new house 2 months ago and am still living in my old home. It closed last week and the new owner let me stay here for a week or so while work is being finished up at the other house.
I brought many of the plants in containers here from Santa Barbara when I moved 4-1/2 years ago. The fleshy succulents suffered over the summer but a few survived. I did take cuttings and plan on growing them indoors at my new home. I’m taking all my container plants with me and will probably get more. Do I need more plants? Of course – they make me happy!
I haven’t taken many photos of my new garden yet. You can get a better idea of it in the video towards the end. I plan on doing the garden in 4 phases and will use mature plants (15 gallon+) for the plantings. Cacti grow slowly and I don’t want to wait 20 or 30 years for them to reach a decent height.
The past 2 years have been very dry so the plants I use will be all adapted to this climate. No roses for this garden! I’ll be sure to do posts and videos to keep you updated on what’s being done. Even though you don’t live in the desert, I hope you’ll be interested to see the progress.
My New Garden:

We’ll be meeting next year in my new garden. I’m taking a couple of weeks off to rest and unpack. Thank you so much for visiting Joy Us garden. Miranda, Brielle, & I wish you a wonderful holiday season!