Tillandsias, also known as Air Plants, are wacky and wonderful houseplants. This is a plant you don’t have to worry about transplanting ever again. Plus, spray or soak once or twice a week and they’re good to go. Imagine that – a plant you can’t overwater. Here’s what makes them even better: you can turn your plants into a DIY home decor art piece in a few simple steps. An easy way to transform your living space!
Another reason why I love Air Plants is that they’re fun to create with. You can tuck them into flower arrangements, hang them on fishing line, make a kissing ball, nestle them in glass globes or shells. And, those are only a few ways you can use them. This project is very easy and beautiful way to show off your tillandsias.
Want to create your own Tillandsia DIY Art Piece? Keep reading!

What appealed to me about this basket besides its modern shape was the fact it can be used on a table or hanging on a wall. It was a steal ($3.75) at Tuesday Morning. I was thinking of painting it but because the Tillandsias are in shades of green/grey, but decided to leave it black. If you have a wicker tray or any shallow basket, it would work fine for this project. You could display it on a table or on a wall.

I wrapped a piece of florist wire around each Tillandsia to hold it in place in the basket. Make sure it’s done gently but securely. You want to make sure the Air Plant stays in place but you don’t want to cinch it. Remember, even though the plant is not in the soil it is still very much alive.

I placed the Air Plants where I wanted them to go then wrapped their wires around the basket to hold them in place. A few of them had blushes of pink and burgundy so I played with the arrangement until I found a balance I liked. I used a total of 9 Tillandsias, of varying sizes and forms, for this piece.

In places where the wire and/or roots would show, I covered those spots with preserved Spanish moss. I used mossy green but it comes in a wide variety of colors. Go crazy if you want to use yellow, orange, purple, or red!

That’s all there is to it. This piece works beautifully as a living, artistic focal point on a table. It’s very light and can be moved from room to room. This also makes it easy to hang on a wall.

If you want this as a permanent piece then I would recommend applying Modge Podge or 2X sealer/protector on the exterior and interior. This will make the basket more water-resistant so you can spray your air plants.
Be sure to check out the Air Plants we sell right here on our website.
We have lots more posts & videos on Air Plants for you.
How To Keep Your Air Plants Alive:
To keep this piece alive you’ll need to take your basket to the sink or tub and spray the Air Plants 1 to 3 times a week depending on how dry your air is. They like bright light, similar to a Pothos or Dracaena, good air circulation, and normal interior temperature conditions.
This is just one of the many ways you can accent your home with air plants. A word of warning: cats love to chew on their leaves. Riley, on the prowl as seen in the picture below, was right up on the coffee table with his head in the basket after pictures were taken. No worries though – these wacky little horticultural beauties are not at all toxic to pets. Good thing!

Your living arrangement is sure to become a conversation piece!