2 Very Easy Ways to Propagate Succulents
I do lots of succulent videos and posts because I have a lot of them in my garden. They are the plants that keep on giving. Simply cut them, and you’ll get more. I wanted to 1 post which you could refer to whenever I’m posting about a specific succulent because the great majority of them propagate […]
3 Ways To Propagate Snake Plants

I love Sansevierias and I know I say that about a lot of plants but these spiky numbers really have a place in my heart. I grow them in the garden and in my house in both pots and in the ground. They have quite a few common names so you may know them as […]
Aeonium Arboreum: How to Take the Cuttings

I got my Aeonium arboreum (the variety is “atropurpureum”) at a lecture about succulents at the San Francisco Botanical Garden about 20 years ago. The curator of the desert garden at the UC Davis arboretum was speaking and brought plants to sell. MY LATEST VIDEO This was one of the very first succulents I ever […]
Dracaena Marginata Cuttings Root Easily In Water: Here’s How To Keep Them Healthy

This plant is commonly known as Madagascar Dragon Tree, Dragon Tree or Red Edge Dracaena. Dracaena marginatas are extremely popular houseplants and rightfully so. They’re spiky, a bit edgy, fit in beautifully with modern, Asian or bohemian decor but sometimes they get a bit out of hand. MY LATEST VIDEO I inherited a Dracaena marginata […]
How to Propagate Hoyas

Hoyas are great houseplants. There are four ways to propagate Hoyas. Two ways are easy and two are tricky and can be time-consuming. MY LATEST VIDEO I love Hoyas and know this for sure: if I have 1 of them, then I want more. There are so many fun species and varieties of Wax Plants on the […]
Propagating Bromeliads: How to Remove & Pot Up Bromeliad Pups

Bromeliads grow outdoors in temperate climates and also make wonderful and easy houseplants. They bring color and beauty into our homes and liven and brighten up whatever space they’re in. The mother plant dies after flowering but produces pups (babies) before going through that cycle. Fortunately for us they’re very easy to propagate! I want […]
Propagating A ZZ Plant By Division: Getting 3 Plants From 1

I love ZZ Plants because they’re tough as nails, a snap to maintain and as handsome as can be. That glossy foliage steals my heart. Mine, which moved with me from California to Arizona last year, was starting to overtake its spot in the kitchen. Let’s just say that it’s enjoying the desert heat to […]
Dracaena Song Of India Care & Growing Tips: The Plant With Vibrant Foliage

I first saw a Dracaena reflexa, then called Pleomele reflexa, when I was working as an interior plantscaper in Boston. We didn’t get many in from the grower in Florida but I’ve always loved this plant. It develops an interesting somewhat twisted form as it grows which adds to its appeal. I’ve been growing Dracaena reflexa Song […]
How To Make A Rubber Tree (Rubber Plant, Ficus Elastica) Branch Out

Rubber Plants grow fast and can hit the ceiling in no time. Perhaps yours needs to be cut back because it’s gotten leggy, is just too tall or maybe you want your plant to have a new look. Did you know that you can turn your tall, skinny Ficus elastica into a tree form? Here […]
Arrowhead Plant (Syngonium) Care & Growing Tips

When I saw my Arrowhead Plant hanging in the greenhouse at Green Things I wondered, “should I get it?” I grew one successfully in Santa Barbara for years but Tucson (where I now live) is a tougher climate for tropical houseplants. I’ve had it for almost a year and so far so good. Follow along, because I’m […]
Propagating My String Of Bananas Plant Is Fast & Easy

It was time to get on with the propagating of my String Of Bananas plant and do some filling in. MY LATEST VIDEO I pruned off a couple of trails, both about 6-8″ long, to propagate and then plant back in the pot. Planting the cuttings in straight succulent and cactus mix 1st in order […]
Paddle Plant Propagation: How To Prune & Take Cuttings

When I moved from Santa Barbara to Tucson, I left my beloved garden and all those fleshy succulents behind. The ones planted in the garden stayed, and those in pots were given away to friends and neighbors. A tear or 10 were shed but I did take cuttings of many of those plants to ease my pain […]