Philodendron Brasil Propagation
Philodendron Brasil is a jazzy Heartleaf Philodendron. I love the vivid and bold chartreuse variegated foliage and it’s crazy fast growth rate. This is all about Philodendron Brasil propagation including pruning, propagating, care, and planting. MY LATEST VIDEO The botanic name for this splashy beautify is Philodendron hederaceum “Brasil”. This popular indoor vine is indeed a fast […]
How to Propagate Christmas Cactus by Stem Cuttings
ou’ll find Christmas Cactus sold practically everywhere during the holiday season making them a very popular blooming houseplant. These succulents are long-lasting and grow along at a steady, moderate pace. Here you’ll learn how to propagate Christmas Cactus so you can have more plants of your own or to give away. MY LATEST VIDEO Once […]
Plant Pests: Scale & Thrips and How To Control Them
When you buy your beautiful new plant, I bet you’re not thinking “what kind of pests will this get?” Pests seem to be be attracted to plants like Pooh to the honey pot. It’s good to be able to identify them and get a handle on things before the infestation escalates. This is all about […]
How to Control Plant Pests: Fungus Gnats & Root Mealybugs
Plants and pests go together like peanut butter and jelly. If you have the 1st, then the later will make an appearance at some time. I’m more familiar with and have seen these pests infesting houseplants more than plants in the landscape. What I’m talking about here is fungus gnats and root mealybugs (some call them soil […]
How To Get Rid Of Spider Mites On Indoor Plants
Finding a spider mite infestation on the leaves of your favorite plant is enough to give any indoor gardener a massive headache. Here, you’ll learn how to identify, treat, and prevent an outbreak of spider mites on indoor plants. Spider mites are some of the most pervasive houseplant pests, and they will happily feed on […]
Whiteflies On Plants: Indoor And Garden Control
Whiteflies are tiny, moth-like insects that don’t look like they can do much harm. However, a large whitefly infestation can cause significant damage by weakening plants over time, transmitting plant viruses, and causing unsightly leaf discoloration. On top of that, whiteflies are also adaptable pests that can feed on indoor plants, greenhouse plants, and outdoor […]
How To Get Rid Of Gnats in Soil
If you’ve kept indoor plants for any length of time, chances are you’ve encountered fungus gnats. These common houseplants pests don’t cause as much damage as spider mites and scale, and most plant lovers consider fungus gnats mostly a nuisance. MY LATEST VIDEOS However, if fungus gnat populations soar, fungus gnat larvae can damage plant […]
How to Get Rid of Scale on Plants
Below, you’ll find tips on identifying, treating, and preventing hard bodied scale so you won’t have to deal with these troublesome pests ever again! Most plant keepers are very familiar with soft scale insects or mealybugs, which can devastate both outdoor and indoor plants. But hard bodied scale species are even tougher to eradicate, and their […]
How To Get Rid Of Thrips On Plants
Tiny yet tenacious, thrips are common pests that affect indoor and outdoor plants, as well as flowering plants and vegetables. Although it can be easy to overlook a small thrip infestation, a major infestation of thrips can cause significant damage to plant leaves and fruit, and they can even spread devastating plant diseases, like tomato […]
Pruning Perennial Salvias
Salvias are popular all the world over. I’ve seen them growing in England, the Canary Islands, Mexico, and many different places in the US. These plants are so versatile because they can comfortably fit into many styles of gardens, from old-fashioned cottage right up to modern, simplistic ones. They grow well here in California, where […]
My Shrimp Plant Pruning Experiment
Even though I’ve been gardening for over 50 years (egads – that’s a long time!) and have my tried and true ways of doing things, I do enjoy a little experimentation every now and then. And yes, I must admit, I’ve sent a few plants to the green waste bin with my curious ways. I […]
Ponytail Palm Repotting
Ponytail Palms and lizards go hand in hand – both love sunshine and warm temps. I bought it years ago as a little young’un in a 4″ pot. To the left you see the second pot my little Ponytail Palm was growing in. I repotted it once more a few of years ago and now […]