Oh, you know how much I love Bromeliads – yes I do. What’s not to love? They’re easy-care, give off that groovy tropical vibe, come in vibrant colors and most have fabulous foliage. I always have at least 1 in my house in Tucson and grew lots of them in my Santa Barbara Garden. This is why, for the final post of this year, that we decided to do a Bromeliads 101 roundups.
You’ll find posts and videos on Bromeliad care including problems that might arise with solutions and even a DIY all in 1 place for your reference.
There’s a video at the end which has little to do with Bromeliads but you might want to check it out because I take you on a tour and give an update as to how my container plants are doing after 1&1/2 years of living in the desert. On to the good stuff!
Some Of Our General Houseplant Guides For Your Reference:
- 3 Ways To Successfully Fertilize Indoor Plants
- How to Clean Houseplants
- Winter Houseplant Care Guide
- Plant Humidity: How I Increase Humidity For Houseplants
- Buying Houseplants: 14 Tips For Indoor Gardening Newbies
- 11 Pet-Friendly Houseplants
Propagating Bromeliads: How to Remove & Pot Up Bromeliad Pups
Bromeliads are easy to propagate because they produce pups (babies) before they die. I want to show you how to remove and pot up bromeliad pups so your plants can live on.

Caring For Bromeliads: What You Need To Know To Grow Them Indoors
Bromeliads are tough, interesting and don’t need any fussing over which is my kind of plant. They’re a very popular houseplant so I want to share with what I’ve learned over the years about caring for them indoors. By the way, this post is about growing them indoors for the long haul, not just as a short-term blooming/color plant.

Why Is My Bromeliad Plant Turning Brown & Looking Sick? There’s 1 Reason Which Stands Out.
Is your Bromeliad plant turning brown and looking sad? There are many reasons why a houseplant turns brown but in the case of bromeliads, there’s 1 that stands out. Here’s what you can do.
Bromeliad Flowers Turning Brown: Why It Happens & What To Do About It
If your Bromeliad flower is turning brown and losing color, it’s in the process of dying. Here’s why it happens and what to do about it.
Guzmania Plant Care Tips: The Bromeliad With The Vibrant Star Shaped Flower
These Guzmania plant care tips will help keep yours looking great. Guzmanias are so very popular because of their large star-shaped blooms that grow on tall stems.
And, what sets them aside from many of the other Bromeliads is that they’re available in a wide range of flower colors. Get Guzmania care and growing tips here.
Pink Quill Plant Care Tips: The Tillandsia with The Big Bloom
The Pink Quill Plant, or Tillandsia cyanea, is one sweet little plant. Although these are much smaller than the other commonly sold Bromeliads, the size of their flower quill makes up for that.
It’s not only a very easy and tough houseplant, but it handles dry conditions like a champ. This is all about Pink Quill Plant care and the things you need to know to keep it keepin’ on.
Aechmea Plant Care Tips: The Bromeliad With The Pink Flower That’s Easy And Tough
Beginning gardeners fear not, for this Bromeliad with the patterned silver foliage and a large pink flower will have you singing “green thumb” in no time.
These Aechmea plant care tips will help keep yours healthy as can be.
Neoregelia Plant Care Tips: The Bromeliad With The Striking Foliage
Neoregelias, of which there are many species and varieties, are my favorite Bromeliads. Why you ask? I love them for their striking foliage which comes in quite the variety of colors and patterns. The flowers aren’t showy but the foliage sure is!
Here you’ll find Neoregelia plant care tips.
Vriesea Plant Care Tips: The Bromeliad With The Flaming Sword Flower
If you want an easy-care Bromeliad with jazzy animal print foliage and a tall vibrant flower, then look no further. I’m talking about Vriesea splendens, or Flaming Sword, which is the Vriesea most commonly sold in the houseplant trade.
The impressive foliage on this one is really the main draw, in my opinion anyway. I’m sharing these Vriesea plant care tips so you can keep yours looking as good as can be.
An Easy Way To Grow Bromeliads On Driftwood Or A Branch
I’m a big fan of driftwood and was the envy of every dog on a Santa Barbara beach as I carried this 4′ long stick on the hour-long march back to my car. Bromeliads and wood go hand in hand as they’re epiphytic and most of them grow on trees in their natural environments.
Here’s an easy way to get Bromeliads to grow on and attach to driftwood, a branch, a log, or any form of wood.
I Have Something To Show You: A Bromeliad Greenhouse
Come along with us as we tour a bromeliad grower’s greenhouses in the Santa Barbara area. There’s also a short video tour (filmed years ago!) for your viewing pleasure.

Bromeliads make great houseplants and are not only easy to maintain but very colorful also. They made it into the pages of our houseplant care book Keep Your Houseplants Alive so they’re just that fabulous!
Do you love Bromeliads as much as we do? Here’s hoping that if you’re new to the wonderful world of Bromeliads that you’ll give 1 or 2 a try and that these posts and videos will be helpful for you.
Bromeliads are easy, colorful and quite long lasting. What’s not to love!
Here’s the tour & update as to how my container plants are doing after 1&1/2 years of living in the desert: