I know I am not the only one out there who’s a wacky succulent freak. I’m so addicted to these intriguing beauties that I can’t reject cuttings even though I have a garden full of them. I should have a big ole bumper sticker on the back of my car which cautions: Warning, I Brake For Succulents!
I grow them indoors and outdoors and use them for crafting and even give them as gifts. Due to my addiction (and thank goodness it’s a healthy one) I’ve done quite a few posts and videos about succulents over the past years including how to propagate, care for, craft with, plant and almost anything else you can imagine with them. Hmmm … has anyone invented a blended succulent cocktail yet?! I’m taking a couple of weeks off from blogging around the holidays and decided to create this compilation post with our top 5 succulents posts and videos for you to enjoy. Here are the popular choices:
Our Top 5 Succulent Posts And Videos:
How To Care For & Propagate A String Of Pearls Plant
String of Pearls, or Senecio rowleyanus, had me at first sight – I knew that was a plant I wanted for my very own one day.
Now I’m going to share with you how easy it is to propagate and care for these fascinating succulents. Be sure to check out the video at the end so you can see for yourself.
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The front yard here at Joy Us garden is full of succulents. They’re drought tolerant (important in dry Southern California), easy maintenance and oh so interesting to look at. I just love them because no fussy deadheading or fertilizing routine is needed in their world – and that makes my world a lot easier. Here’s another thing they’ve got going on: these plants just keep on giving and propagating them is as easy as can be. Today I’m going to show you how I take cuttings of Sedums, or Stonecrops as they’re commonly called.

A Different Way To Create A Succulent Kissing Ball
Kissing balls are like year round mistletoe. If you see one, pucker up! This ages old traditions has been reincarnated in many different ways with different decor and different embellishments. They’re not just for Christmas anymore. I have a garden full of succulents to use for my plant crafting projects but you may not. Today I’m showing you another way to do a succulent kissing ball using just a few succulent cuttings.
Kalanchoe Care: As A Houseplant & In The Garden
Oh how I love succulents! And, a succulent with lots of long lasting flowers is just the cat’s meow. Enter the popular Kalanchoe blossfeldiana which is most commonly sold as a houseplant but here in Santa Barbara (USDA zone 10) mine enjoy the great outdoors year round. Here’s how to take care of Kalanchoes, or Kals as we used to call them, both in the house and in the garden.

A Wacky & Rambling Succulent: Narrow-Leaf Chalksticks
I love the color of Narrow-Leaf Chalksticks , which ranges from shades of pale green to blue green, right on the same plant. The leaves are narrow (hence the origin of the common name) and curve upward off of stems which get pretty darn big and long over time. They can get dense and crowded at the ends leaving some of those stems a bit bare at the base. It’s an unconventionally attractive plant to have in the garden and very easy to take care off. Here’s what I know about it.

Ask Nell: Planting Succulent Cuttings

How To Get Your Christmas Cactus To Flower Again

Succulents Are SO Easy To Propagate!

The Simple Way To Propagate A String Of Pearls Plant

Christmas Cactus Care Tips & Happy Holidays

Table of Contents

Nell Foster
Nell, the founder of Joy Us garden, was born into a gardening family and grew up in Connecticut’s countryside. After living in Boston, New York, San Francisco, & Santa Barbara, she now calls the Arizona desert home. She studied horticulture & garden design, working in the field all her life. Nell is a gardener, designer, blogger, Youtube creator, & author. She’s been gardening for a very long time & wants to share what she’s learned with you.