Another year, another fall season – how we adore you! Did you know that fall is an excellent season to decorate? Think about it: many of our favorite plants include foliage that’s going to start changing to rich, inviting shades. If you’re like us, you may already be thinking about how to make your home festive for fall.
The different scents that awaken our senses… as long as we welcome these wonderful plants into our home. The smell of the crisp autumn air… Standing in the warm sun with a cool breeze… our favorite sweater hugging us tightly… where was I?
Oh, yes! Décor! What better way to deck out your cozy home environment than to bring in some awesome, festive plants! Sounds inviting, no?
The Best Plants to Make Your Home Festive For Fall
Well, if you’re here, chances are you enjoy a household full of herbs and shrubs. If you need some inspiration, I have the perfect list of the best plants to make your living space festive for fall! Below, you will find the best plants to make your living space festive for fall:
You knew this one was going to make the list (I’m sure you’ve already purchased your first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season). At any rate, what better way to welcome the fall season than to bring a couple of pumpkins home?
You can’t go wrong with these delightful, round works of art! They come in a variety of warm colors such as yellow, beige, orange, and even green; all of which fit right in with our festive fall theme!

You may be surprised to find that there are dozens of various types of pumpkins! Here are different types of pumpkins you can purchase at your local harvest:
- Jarrahdale: This blue-ish pumpkin is actually a squash that tastes good in pies and soups
- Cinderella: They’re popular for their bright colors, plump shapes, and of course, their name!
- White Pumpkins: For their lighter, airy colors, you’ll be reminded of ghosts and graveyards
- Pimpled Pumpkins: They’re freaky looking and reminder most people of witches and goblins!

These fun gems are known for their variety of color. Be sure to grab a green, orange, red, white, and yellow one to fit in with the fall theme! The shapes and sizes of mum blooms are quite magnificent. They come in a wide range of sizes such as the small cushion mum to the giant spider mums.
This perennial evergreen shrub is perfect for home décor because it easily compliments flower arrangements, baskets, centerpieces, candles, and more. The dark green, needle-like foliage brings a great, piney scent to your home (shocking, right?!).
There are many varieties of Rosemary on the market and are used mostly for landscaping purposes, especially for its tolerance to warmer climates. You can grow it indoors in a high light spot; just be sure to keep it on the dry side.

A popular plant among our readers, these houseplants are easy to care for all year round. We thought that they were a great addition to this list because of their color variety.
You can find them in orange, red, and even purple and green. They’re long-lasting color and will be a great additive to any fall display!

Croton Mammy
The Croton Mammy has a look and feel that’s similar to Poinsettias. The colorful leaves grow in a spiral fashion, and they come in red, yellow, and green colors. If you grow it indoors, it can easily grow to 3-feet which will naturally attract the attention of your guests.

Kals come in shades of red, orange, and yellow will fit nicely in an autumn foyer display. While they’re native to Madagascar and Africa, they are versatile in different climates. These succulents grown for their flower displays can handle the dry air in our homes just fine.
You can follow our detailed guide on caring for Kalanchoes both indoors and outdoors right here!

These golden lovelies commonly known as black-eyed Susans are a fall favorite for many! They have a number of popular varieties such as the Goldsturm and Little Gold Star. You’ll find they grow in yellow, orange and red. The flower pictured below is also known as “Irish Eyes”. If you have them growing in your garden, be sure to pick a bouquet to add to your fall table.

Ornamental Kale
While kale is a nutritional addition to your diet, ornamental kale has a bitter taste. Luckily, it grows in vibrant colors so it’s often used as a garnish in gardens and centerpieces.
They’re intolerable to summer heat so you should plant them in mid-summer and the winter in more temperate climates. They’ll be fully flourished before the upcoming holiday season.

These are great fall flowers because they thrive well in the cooler months. They’re annuals that bloom in the fall. Another wonderful thing about Celosias is that they dry beautifully making them extremely long-lasting. The variety pictured below is “Cocks Comb”.

As you can see, there are a number of plants that fit the festive fall mold. There are so many ways that you can make your living space more tasteful!
Our goal was to help you find some inspiration to make your home festive for fall. You can purchase all of these plants online, and most of them at your local store.
We highly enjoy plants, vegetables, herbs, and flowers that come in a variety of colors, plus unique foliage. Make a festive impression when you invite your family and friends over for the holidays! How about an evening of sipping apple cider and pumpkin carving?