Hoyas are just as easy to care for outdoors as they are indoors. Last week’s post was all about growing Hoyas as houseplants so now it’s time to head outside. There are many similarities to growing them in both situations but a few differences come into play. These care tips for growing Hoya plants outdoors will help you out whether yours grow outdoors year round or just for the warmer months.
I grew Hoyas outdoors in my Santa Barbara garden and now have 1 growing on my side patio in Tucson. These are 2 different climates but my Hoyas did/do well year-round in both. If you live in a temperate climate then these tips are for you. If not, then perhaps your Hoyas will be able to summer outdoors and you’ll find this useful.
How Hoyas are used outdoors
I’ve mainly seen them used outdoors as hanging plants. My Variegated Hoya grows in a tall, narrow pot & is trained to grow over bamboo hoops. You could also use them in a mixed planting, train to grow on a trellis or simply sit on a table.
They’re sold in 4, 6, 8, & 10″ grow pots; usually with a hanger. My Hoya carnosa variegata which grows outdoors has 4-5′ trails. I saw a Hoya growing in a decorative hanging pot in Carpenteria, CA and the trails must have been 6′ long. In their natural environment many grow as climbing vines.
My Variegated Hoya puts out more white foliage & pink stems as it ages.
Hoya Plant Varieties
There are many species & varieties of Hoyas sold on the market. You can find at least 1 that catches your fancy because the foliage comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors & textures. The ones I’ve seen most often are H. carnosa, H. carnosa variegata, H. carnosa compacta , H. Kerrii, & H. obovata.
Common names for the Hoya Plant
Different species & varieties have different common names. As a whole, they’re called Wax Plant, Wax Vine or Honey Plant.
Growth rate
Mine have always grown at a moderate rate outdoors – faster than mine grows indoors. What I’ve found is that different Hoyas grow at slightly different rates. My Hoya carnosa variegata grows faster than my Hoya obovata but then again it’s quite a bit older.
Growing Hoyas Outdoors
Here is everything you need to know about growing hoyas outdoors!
Hoyas need bright, natural light with shelter from hot sun to do their best. Mine sits on a covered patio with a north, east & west exposure. The plant is next to the sliding glass doors where very little direct sun hits it.
We get a lot of sun all year long in Tucson so that’s the sweet spot for mine. In the summer when the sun is the strongest, I hang semi-sheer curtains to protect it & my fleshy succulents from any rays which might hit in the late afternoon. Yes, I’m a crazy plant lady but the curtains give a sultry harem effect too!
In Santa Barbara my Hoyas got morning sun but were oftentimes sheltered by a light layer of fog. To sum it up, bright shade is best & avoid any hot, direct sun. Your Hoyas will fry in no time flat.
This is my neighbor Suzie’s Hoya which gets more sun than mine. It was neglected in terms of watering all last year but is surviving nonetheless & would benefit from a pruning & repotting into fresh mix. A bit more about it in the video below.
I water mine when it has almost dried out. Although Hoyas aren’t technically succulents, they’re succulent-like with those fleshy, waxy leaves. In summer I water it once a week & in winter it’s every 2-4 weeks.
Although many are vines & shrubs in nature, some are epiphytic just like bromeliads & orchids. Either way, Hoyas don’t like their feet to be consistently moist. It’s better to underwater them than to over water.
If you’re in a humid climate, you’ll probably need to water less often. And as I said above, back off on the watering frequency in the winter months.
Temperature/Cold Tolerance
We get 8-10 nights every winter which dip a bit below freezing here in Tucson. If the temps are going to drop below 35 F then I’ll lay a doubled sheet over my Hoya topiary & that seems to protect it just fine. This is my Hoya carnosa variegata I’m talking about & I’m not sure if different Hoyas vary in regards to cold tolerance.
On the other end of the scale, Tucson regularly gets above the 100 F in the summer. My Hoya is quite tolerant of the wide temperature swings & is currently loaded with fresh new growth in November. Quite the tough plant I’d say!
Hoyas are native to the tropics. Despite this, mine here in hot dry Sonoran Desert is doing great. I do hose it down every 3 weeks & the foliage seems to enjoy the temporary infusion of moisture.
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Nell Foster
Nell, the founder of Joy Us garden, was born into a gardening family and grew up in Connecticut’s countryside. After living in Boston, New York, San Francisco, & Santa Barbara, she now calls the Arizona desert home. She studied horticulture & garden design, working in the field all her life. Nell is a gardener, designer, blogger, Youtube creator, & author. She’s been gardening for a very long time & wants to share what she’s learned with you.
Hi, I’m Nell, the creator of Joy Us garden. I'm a gardener, designer, blogger, YouTube creator, and author. I’ve been gardening for over 50 years and want to share what I’ve learned with you.
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