Plants For Head Planters: Indoor Plants For Face Pots

We love the looks of head planters; they are both quirky and sculptural. With their popularity on the rise, you may be thinking about what plants for head planters work the best. This list covers 20 indoor plants that grow upright or trailing and would be well suited to grow in face pots.

If you have a plant growing in a 4-inch grow pot, it’s best to go up one pot size to a 6-inch pot. If you are planting in a pot with drainage holes, you want to be conservative with how much you are watering to help prevent root rot.

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All the different plants listed have unique care needs, which we have included to help you choose which will grow best in your home.

Upright Plants For Head Planters

Sansevieria Hahnii Green Jade / Green Jade Snake Plant

Sansevieria Hahnii Green Jade show indoors in a clay pot, foliage is a dark green.

Sansevieria Hahnii Green Jade, is one of the Bird’s Nest Snake Plants. Its compact size makes this small plant perfect for adding a touch of greenery to small spaces or tabletops. The deep green, sword-shaped leaves grow in a rosette pattern. This is one of our favorite plants because it’s low-maintenance and resilient.

  • Growth Rate: Slowly to moderately indoors
  • Light Requirements: Bright light with a moderate exposure
  • Watering Needs: Low

Sansevieria Gold Star / Goold Star Snake Plant

Sansevieria Gold Star are a vibrant golden-yellow color. This eye-catching color adds a touch of brightness and would look great planted in a cute face planter. Snake plants have low water needs and would do best in a plant pot with drainage holes so the excess water can drain out.

  • Growth Rate: Slowly to moderately indoor
  • Light Requirements: Bright light with a moderate exposure
  • Watering Needs: Low

Sansevieria Trifasciata

Here’s Nell with her S. Zeylanica before she repotted it. The S. trifasciata looks similar but doesn’t get as big.

Snake Plants make great indoor plants because they handle dry air better than most houseplants and don’t need much attention. They look modern and edgy and are a great choice for beginning gardeners. This Sansevieria is one of the larger plants on the list and can have a growth rate of up to 4 feet, making it suitable for larger head pots.

  • Growth Rate: Slowly to moderately indoors
  • Light Requirements: Bright light with moderate exposure, can tolerate low light
  • Watering Needs: Low

We’ve done many posts & videos on Snake Plants. Check out our general Snake Plant Care Guide for more info.

Haworthiopsis attenuata / Zebra Plant

  • Growth Rate: Slowly to moderately indoors
  • Light Requirements: Bright natural light, keep them out of hot, sunny windows
  • Watering Needs: Low

Many of the succulents can be grown indoors. Here are 13 Problems You May Be Having Growing Succulents Indoors.

Gasteria spp

  • Growth Rate: Slowly to moderately indoors
  • Light Requirements: Bright natural light, keep them out of hot, sunny windows
  • Watering Needs: Low

We picked out 21 of our favorite head planters; shop them now, Whimsical Face Planters To Showcase Your Plants.

Aloe barbadensis / Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a remarkable plant with numerous qualities that make it a great addition to any home or garden. The gel found within the fleshy leaves of the aloe vera plant has been used for centuries to soothe and heal various skin conditions.

If you are searching for outdoor head planters, Aloe vera is a plant that can be grown outdoors in some climate zones. In the garden, you want yours to get 2 or 3 hours of sun a day, and it will do its best to be protected from the hot afternoon sun.

  • Growth Rate: Slowly to moderately indoors
  • Light Requirements: Needs lots of bright, natural light to grow successfully indoors and for those leaves to get nice and plump
  • Watering Needs: Low

We’ve done many posts and videos on Aloe Vera. Check out our Growing Aloe Vera Indoors Guide for lots more info.

Crassula argentea / Jade Plant

Jade Plants are wonderful for indoor gardening and would do well planted in head planter pots. They have thick, fleshy, oval-shaped leaves that grow in a bushy form. The most common Jade is solid green; a Variegated Jade Plant is pictured above.

As plant lovers, we can appreciate the ease of growing Jade Plants, and they are a perfect choice for someone looking for an easy-care indoor plant. If you have a larger Jade Plant, it will work well in this Buddha Head Planter, which is also suitable for outdoor use.

  • Growth Rate: Moderate
  • Light Requirements: Growing indoors, they need as much sun as you can give them, at least 6 hours.  They aren’t suited for low light conditions.
  • Watering Needs: Low

Are you looking for your succulents? We’ve got you covered! Classic Terra Cotta PotsTabletop PlantersHanging Planters For Succulents, & Small Pots For Succulents

Peperomia argyreia / Watermelon Peperomia

  • Growth Rate: Slow to moderate
  • Light Requirements:  Moderate bright light, can tolerate lower light
  • Watering Needs: Medium

These are great houseplants. Check out our Watermelon Peperomia Care Guide here.

Peperomia caperata / Ripple Peperomia

  • Growth Rate: Slow to moderate
  • Light Requirements: Bright indirect light
  • Watering Needs: Medium

We’ve done a Ripple Peperomia Care Guide and Peperomia obtusifolia & Peperomia Hope care guides.

Aglaonema spp / Chinese Evergreen

We’ve done a general Chinese Evergreen Care Guide, along with Pink Aglaonema & Red Aglaonema care guides.

Philodendron Imperial Red

Interested in more? Here’s more on Philodendron Imperial Red Care for you.

Trailing Plants For Head Planters

Senecio rowleyanus / String of Pearls

String Of Pearls is a fascinating hanging succulent. The long, thin stems full of beads give this plant a fun, boho feel. Its unique look makes it a great conversation starter, as few people have seen such a neat-looking plant. It is a more difficult plant to grow and requires the right amount of light and water to thrive.

We’ve done many posts & videos on the String Of Pearls Plant. This post on 10 Problems You May Have Growing String Of Pearls Indoors will help you.

Hoya carnosa Rubra / Wax Plant

  • Growth Rate: Moderate
  • Light Requirements: Bright light but no direct sun.
  • Watering Needs: Medium

Hoyas are easy to grow indoors & make great houseplants. Check out our posts on Growing Hoyas indoors & outdoors.

Pothos N’ Joy

  • Growth Rate: Moderate to fast
  • Light Requirements: Moderate (this one needs bright natural light to keep the variegation)
  • Watering Needs: Medium

This guide to Pothos Care gives you more details on growing these popular plants.

Golden Pothos

houseplants. Besides being easy to maintain, they’re easy to find as many big box stores and local nurseries sell them.  You can buy a beautiful trailing Pothos in a 6″ pot with long stems for around $20.00. Pothos vines will add a lush tropical vibe to your home.

  • Growth Rate: Moderate to fast
  • Light Requirements: Moderate light (bright natural light)
  • Watering Needs: Medium

We’ve Answered Your Questions On Growing Pothos right here.

Crassula perforata / String Of Buttons

  • Growth Rate: Moderate to fast
  • Light Requirements: Bright natural light
  • Watering Needs: Low

Does your planter not have a drain hole? We’ve got a post for you on Planting & Caring For Succulents In Pots Without Drainage Holes.

Chlorophytum comosum / Spider Plant

Spider Plants are one of the easiest indoor plants to care for, so they’re perfect for newbie plant enthusiasts. They’re tolerant of a wide range of conditions and are adaptable and durable as can be. The babies spray out on long stems; you can find this plant solid or variegated. This fun plant will pair perfectly with a unique planter.

  • Growth Rate: Moderate to fast
  • Light Requirements: Bright, indirect light is their sweet spot; they tolerate lower light conditions.
  • Watering Needs: Low

Read lots more on Spider Plant Care here.

Hatiora gaertneri / Schlumergera truncata Easter Cactus / (False) Christmas Cactus

  • Growth Rate: Slow to moderate
  • Light Requirements: Bright, natural light; a medium to high light exposure
  • Watering Needs: Low

Don’t get rid of these plants after the holidays. They make long-lasting houseplants. Read about Growing Easter Cactus & Christmas Cactus Care.

Rhipsalis baccifera / Mistletoe Cactus

epiphytic succulent with pencil-thin stems that cascade as they mature. With its cascading growth, it would look great being planted in a ceramic head planter, giving it the look of hair growing out of the head of the planter. This is a good choice of a plant if you want a funky, trailing look.

  • Growth Rate: Slow
  • Light Requirements: Bright, natural light; a medium to high light exposure
  • Watering Needs: Low

Are you looking for containers & ways to display your houseplants? We’ve got you covered! Classic Terra Cotta PotsTabletop PlantersPots & PlantersHanging PlantersBaskets For Large PlantsAir Plant Displays, & Multi-Tier Plant Stands.

Sedum morganianum / Donkey Tail

  • Growth Rate: Slow to moderate
  • Light Requirements: Bright, natural light; a medium to high light exposure
  • Watering Needs: Low

Interested in more on this plant?  Check out this post on Burro’s Tail Care, indoors & outdoors.

Tillandsia spp / Air Plants

Air plant in human figurine plant holder in office desk with glasses, notebook, and pens.

We included Air Plants as a bonus in this round-up of plants for head planters. They have more of an upright growth habit and can still be placed in a small face planter. Air Plants, in their natural environments, grow attached to other plants. When growing in our homes, they don’t need soil, but do need to be sprayed or soaked to keep them from drying out.

  • Growth Rate: Slow
  • Light Requirements: Bright, indirect light is best.  Ensure your air plants don’t get any hot, direct sun or aren’t in low light.
  • Watering Needs: It’s best to spray or soak your air plants 1-2 times a week

We have several posts on Air Plants for you to check out.

We hope this made your plant selection easier, and you can bring some added whimsy to your decor with a head planter. Now that you have chosen a plant check out our 21 Favorite Face Pots that you can buy online.

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Hi, I’m Nell, the creator of Joy Us garden. I'm a gardener, designer, blogger, YouTube creator, and author. I’ve been gardening for over 50 years and want to share what I’ve learned with you.

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