Repotting My Large Hoya Topiary

Oh my goodness, how I do love Hoyas! They’re such an easy and attractive houseplant to grow and when they flower, even more sweet. I had trained this plant on bamboo hoops 2 years ago and it has since grown like crazy. Time to spring into action and get to repotting my large Hoya topiary.

This Hoya carnosa variegata, which I bought in a 4″ pot years ago at Roger’s Gardens (a must visit nursery if you’re in or visiting the Orange County, CA area), came with me when I moved from California to Arizona last summer. It grew outdoors in Santa Barbara and does the same here in Tucson, except for 2 colder winter months which it spent in the garage.


I had repotted it twice and needed to do it again as the low bowl was way too small and the 40″ hoops were flip-flopping every which way. Shame on me, that’s no way to treat a plant you adore!

Some Of Our General Houseplant Guides For Your Reference:

Repotting my Large Hoya topiary on the side patio: 


Materials I used:

Most Hoyas, aka Wax Plants, are epiphytic and love a rich mix with excellent drainage. All the mixes and amendments listed below are organic. You can see the portions I used in the video.

Potting Soil.  I’m partial to Ocean Forest because of its high-quality ingredients. It’s a soilless mix & is enriched with lots of good stuff but also drains well. It’s great for container planting, including houseplants.

Succulent & Cactus Mix. Here’s the recipe for the mix I use.

If you don’t want to make your own, these are available online:  Bonsai Jack (this 1 is very gritty; great for those prone to overwatering!), Hoffman’s (this is more cost effective if you have a lot of succulents but you might have to add pumice or perlite), or Superfly Bonsai (another fast draining 1 like Bonsai Jack which is great for indoor succulents).

Compost.  I used Tank’s local compost. Give Dr. Earth’s a try if you can’t find any where you live. Both enrich the soil naturally.

Orchid Bark. Epiphytes love orchid back.

Worm Compost. This is my favorite amendment, which I use sparingly because it’s rich. I’m currently using Worm Gold Plus. Here’s why I like it so much.

Coco Coir. This environmentally friendly alternative to peat moss is pH neutral, increases nutrient holding capacity & improves aeration.

Gorgeous Hoya after transplanting

Here’s the Hoya right after I transplanting. It needed straightening & stabilizing but I’m thankful I got it in the pot without all coming apart.

4′ Bamboo Stakes. I used these to stabilize the hoops in the tall container – you’ll see what I did in the video.

Fishing Line. To tie the stakes to the hoops.

30″ Tall Resin Planter. It was a sand color & I sprayed it with 2 colors red gloss paint.

By the way, these are just like the 40″ Bamboo Hoops I used a couple of years ago to train this Hoya. The apron I’m wearing in the 2nd half of the video is one that we design and manufacture. It’s a great denim work apron with lots of pockets; plus, it’s cute too.

Repotting My Large Hoya Topiary

This is how the Hoya looked when I transplanted & trained it 2 years ago, back in Santa Barbara. How small & pale it was!

I said in the video that I didn’t want this plant to get any taller but I think I’ve changed my mind. It sits right outside the sliding glass door in my living room and the plant and jazzy red pot are very eye catching. I can see it from the dining room and kitchen too – it makes me happy when I look at it.

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Hi, I’m Nell, the creator of Joy Us garden. I'm a gardener, designer, blogger, YouTube creator, and author. I’ve been gardening for over 50 years and want to share what I’ve learned with you.

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